What Does Veganism Mean to You?

Phew-- the Holiday season has finally come to an end! January means the start of a new year. 2020 proved to be a challenging year with the global pandemic, social upheaval, and political unrest. Going into 2021, we have to reflect and set our intentions. Even though you might think you’re going into 2021 vegan just because you’ve been vegan in the prior years, you’re actually committing to and choosing veganism on a daily basis. For this LUHV Letter, we interviewed three our favorite customers and asked them, "What Does Veganism Mean To You?"

  1. Sarah @FloralHairVegan

Whenever there’s a new person in my life, there comes a (sometimes awkward) moment when the cat’s out of the bag, I’m vegan. 

Whether it’s a new coworker ordering a group lunch, or an Aunt who is offering me turkey & fixins during a once a year Holiday meal, it’s something you just get used to. That statement, “I’m vegan”, is almost incessantly followed with the retort, “Why?”

Depending on who’s asking, or on my mood, the answer will either be detailed or I’ll ramble off some well practiced bullet points.

I became vegan about ten years ago. At first, it was just to see if I could do it, a whole week without cheating. That week came and went, I was noticeably less tired and was loving all the new flavors I was experiencing! A month went by, my skin had purged from eliminating dairy and was now clear and smooth! After my first year, next came the knowledge of what an extreme positive impact veganism has on our environment, there was no going back.

Next thing I knew, more and more restaurants were offering alternative vegan menus! Fully vegan restaurants were exploding onto the scene in every city! Places like LUHV, who curated a friendly + familiar menu for those who are otherwise intimidated to try a plant based diet, which is so smart and important! If you have a coworker, friend, or family member who isn’t sure about veganism, taking them some LUHV is an excellent first step to show them what you’re NOT missing!

2. Karley @KarleyJo321

To me, Veganism is the greatest step I can take, as one person, to save our planet. I switched to a meatless diet a year and a half ago, and switched to a fully vegan diet a little more than a year ago now. I made this switch for the environment. I educated myself of how much natural resources it takes to get an animal from a farm, to a plate. I realized all of those resources that fuel these animals, can fuel me too. I educated myself on what actually happens in slaughterhouses, and found no reason why I should continue to eat animal bi products, especially when you can find incredible plant based options, like LUHV FOOD provides! 

Since becoming a vegan I’ve noticed that I love trying new foods, and I used to be a really picky eater! After a year and a half, I never crave meat anymore, and I do occasionally slip up and have dairy in some foods, but not being hard on myself has made it a lot easier to completely switch my diet. After all, any small amount of change, even just cutting out certain meats a few times a week, can have a really big impact on our planet!

2. Maritsa @MaritsaCortes

Veganism to me means respect for all life, especially the most vulnerable. It’s also self love. It’s the truest form of peace and empathy. It teaches us how to be more aware, mindful and conscious of our decisions. We begin to understand how connected everything is. Veganism is caring for the animals, the planet and prioritizing our mental/physical health.

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The Luccis Go Vegan


The Power of LUHV